Course Content

    1. How to use this course

    2. Meet your Teacher

    3. What is Mindfulness?

    4. How to build a regular practice of Mindfulness Meditation

    5. The 7 Pillars of Mindfulness

    6. Mindful Comparisions

    7. The Science of Gratitude

    8. An Introduction to Neuroscience

    9. Developing your Attention

    10. The Limbic System

    11. Finger Breathing Breathwork Technique

    12. Taming the Animal Mind

    13. Grounding Technique

    14. Savouring - Mindful Eating

    15. Being here and Now

    16. The Frontal Lobes

    17. Recognising Worry

    18. Dealing with Challenging Thoughts

    19. The 4 Dimensions of Experience

    20. Expanded Awareness

    21. Mindful Movement - Theory

    22. Mindful Movement - Practice

    23. The 5 Tibetans

    24. Stepping Back - Part 1

    25. Stepping Back Part 2

    26. Stepping Back Part 3

    27. Greeting the Good

    1. Gratitude Practice

    2. The Body Scan

    3. The Mountain Meditation

    4. Chakra Meditation

    5. Yoga Nidra

    6. Thought Mastery

    7. Compassion Practice

    1. Teachers Toolkit - Gratitude Meditation Script

    2. Teachers Toolkit - Guided Body Scan Script

    3. Teachers Toolkit - 3 Good Things

    4. Teachers Toolkit - Finger Breathing Technique

    5. Teachers Toolkit - Mountain Meditation Script

    1. Certificate Download

CPD1: Mindfulness Practices

  • $199.00
  • 40 lessons

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